And since nothing comes from nothing, it is unarguable that we were innately confident. We were all entitled to confidence unless we turn away from this gift, which by the way is the normal reaction of most people who have failed on their initial shot. Self confidence roots from our inner drive to excel, to show the world how well a man should treat life and how to manipulate the attributes that one is endowed with. It is also dependent on how well we were able to maximize our potentials. Here are some guidelines that you can follow to lead you in gaining your self confidence: If your past bothers you and you think that it has greatly affected the level of your self confidence (which is by the way a solid truth) then just remember one thing- anyone can begin something at any given moment of his life. All of us had an equal chance to develop our sense of self, even when it feels like our fellow is much blessed than us. We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. We all have our shares of blessing and our shares of challenges. It just lies in our perception of things and the manner by which we handle things. In fact, there are so many cases when their bests may have been a mediocre standard for others and in some cases, their best is no good at all. Nonetheless, they still perform them because they know nothing better. No one could be blamed though. We were all brought up depending on the present means that were available at the moment of our growth. Low self worth is a state that is closely associated with feeling of unimportance, sadness, depression, inadequacy, diminished sense of self, insecurities, self loath and an over all sinking feeling. Letting a child live in these conditions would deprive him of options for growth. Instead, he would have to endure self-sabotaging behaviors and decisions that are manifested through low self confidence. Dreams that were not driven by the confidence to pursue them. The key is to develop self confidence and escape from the demons of low self confidence. To overcome low self confidence you must be able to have faith in yourself. You need to feel good about your being you. This all boils down from appreciating the things that we are capable of doing and in accepting the fact that some things just wont change however hard we try changing them.
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