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Confidence babyyy

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But these are compensated by the fact that we carry the potential of excelling on other things. Only we have to find our veins and fortes. Our understanding might be limited with our past experiences. Yet this does not negate the fact that we can widen our perception towards ourselves if we just push one step higher towards creating positive images of who we truly are. Unlike the detrimental habit of saying- "my life is messed up" or "my life is nothing but a good way to kill time", you can use positive reinforcements and say otherwise. You may not have realized it but you are a genius in your own fashion. A philosopher once said that all men have an innate beast within him. Outside stimulation may help but it would all still boil down to knowing yourself and using that knowledge to gain confidence. To get self confidence, you must realize that your limitations must not limit you and your attributes must not destroy you. Instead, use all these factors to develop a personality that would be productive for you and all those that surround you. We have to develop it and there are many interplaying factors that must be put to balance before we can actually create an ideal self confidence that would guide us through our achievements. Self confidence stems down from within and in how we think and feel for ourselves. Its development is affected by things that we normally don't have control of. If being you, as the created manifestation of God's love is not enough for to convince you of how worthy you are, then think only of this- God took time to conceptualize everything that you are now. Imagine, the Divine Being gave you the favor of His eternity. Then you, the creature would put all these to waste because you had failures that you cant get over with? Say, we are too coward to face our very fears given that we are equipped with all the things that we need, then the problem now comes from our deliberate deprivation of the confidence we innately have. We have to understand that we are all capable of being confident. If we believe that our childhood did not become an effective means to acquire our self confidence then we must realize that it is never too late to improve. 

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