It doesn't mean that when your fellow achieves far better thing, he takes these achievements from your own vaults of potentials. It just means that he was ale to recognize his capabilities and put this discovery on his own advantage. Generally, self confidence and the manner by which we increase them are achieved only when we dare to do things that we first thought are way out of our own capacities. However, introspection may also turn against a person when it has become too focused on the negative aspects of one's personality. This then is called thought rumination. Thought rumination is somewhat similar to that of a caged hamster. This is a way to run in tight circles by obsessing one's self on a loss, or a problem or any form of ambiguity that hinders the moving on process. In fact, it is the accumulation of mishaps and lacks in the past that we are failing to unearth and give due remedy. It is the outcome of our failure to recognize who we truly are and what are the hampers to our own growth. Low self confidence is obviously delimiting. It would send us stomping on our endowed capacities and instead, take our failures as early defeats. One such skill is the ability to face challenges and to face them with faith, both in ourselves and to Him who has created all of us. All of us had an equal chance to develop our sense of self, even when it feels like our fellow is much blessed than us. We normally have the common notion that life is unfair when in fact, it is not. If you failed to develop your self confidence as a child then think of it as a loss that you must learn from. Now, all you have to do is to muster all strength so you can start anew. You have a lifetime to change the course of your life, you have been given all the stock you need to get your world moving. You may not posses it now yet this does not imply that you are deprived of the capacity to develop it. Everyone is entitled to self confidence and luckily, all opportunities are laid in our front, only we have to recognize them. We cannot afford to lose the value of one lifetime just because we missed too much of good life in exchange for not having been able to live our dreams.
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