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How To Build Your Self Confidence - Marcus Aurelius (Stoicism)

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It will convince you to believe in all these lies until your self confidence is sapped and your sense of self becomes devoid. You may try not to listen to this inner critic initially. Yet once you believe in its miserable denials of who you are, you are sure to have it win you over. You will then be convinced of the validity of its claims and so, you will resort to succumb to mediocre and somber life. Imagine if you have created a child who knows nothing about handling his sense of self. If you would expose a child in an environment that would elicit in him concepts of low self worth then it would be likely that he would live in a state of unhappiness and discontentment. Low self worth is a state that is closely associated with feeling of unimportance, sadness, depression, inadequacy, diminished sense of self, insecurities, self loath and an over all sinking feeling. And at times, you would even convince yourself that you are also responsible for the failures of those people you have close contact with. As a child, sweeping statements will be a commonplace for you. You will convince yourself of how stupid you are even without the reinforcement that comes from the warped people surrounding you. Initial development of self confidence roots from our childhood, the fashion by which we were reared, the opportunities that honed us to be the persons that we are and our reactions to the challenges that were given to us. At a very young age, we already know how it feels to be humiliated or encouraged. They are not mere words. They are for real and they will actually dig deep in your subconscious mind, which will then be integrated into your being. If you believe in these then there is no way that you won't believe in their direct opposite. Central to building self confidence is one's belief in himself. Undue criticisms don't only make us vulnerable to negative thoughts, they also affect our over all personal perspectives. Have you noticed how we criticize ourselves without even realizing that we cant utter those very things to other people? We are harsher to ourselves than we can imagine. Thus, with every negative input we receive from this critic, we are left upset and unconfident. 

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