Just like human beings, your racing pigeons must be fed with fresh and clean food and water. Leftover foods that are oftentimes soiled already can greatly affect the bird's digestive system, bringing forth diseases that could slow down the pigeons. Make sure that the foods that you give your pigeons are of the highest quality, and that the containers are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Take into consideration the fact that pigeons rely on their internal compass, navigational skills and homing instinct in order to fly to a designated point at the shortest route possible. You may have the fastest pigeon in a race, but it won't really matter if it doesn't fly in a straight line towards its goal. During this time, the clocks are stopped. Not all races use the dead time though. There are organizations that continue the race during nighttime without calling for the dead time. Some Important Things To Help You Become A Good Fancier Remember, health is important for a racing pigeon. You can't expect it to race fast if it's not in good health condition. Also, while in-breeding does not have to spend that much money for bigger generation gaps (because the mating pigeons are IN the same generation), it may however end up becoming more financially-challenging because of the need to eliminate pigeons with non-ideal traits. Not to mention that you should be capable of culling. However, how about those who are just starting out? There are several out there who are just beginning to be fascinated with racing pigeons, but are doubtful to embrace the inkling of breeding them, mainly because of money constraints. If you are among those who wish to start a family of racing pigeons but is currently on a tight budget, read on the following tips and use them as an essential guide. A Couple Of Things To Know About Racing Pigeons What does it take to grow sturdy and capable racing pigeons? Does it have something to do with dedication, care, time, and effort, or a combination of all these? If you are one bird enthusiast, you probably know that pigeon racing is a sport that is considered by many as a very rewarding one.
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