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It will highly depend on your budget and the number of lofts you prefer to have. The most important thing is of course, it is clean and dry and is safeguarded against the possible predators. The water, food, and grit. If the pigeons left in the wild depend on scraps of food and seeds for their survival, the racing pigeons are exactly the opposite. Minerals and vitamins must be included in their diet which can be mixed with the water or with the food in the form of oil. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. The best way to do it is by moving it close and giving the command like "up". Training the Bird to Go Back Inside the Cage Racing pigeons love to fly. After all, that is their essence of being birds. Therefore, you must give your pet the chance to fly around outside the cage but be sure to teach it how to go back inside. They do fly in the air, often have colorful feathers, and truly make the environment more wonderful. The pigeons are not only beautiful but are likewise considered to symbolize peace. Nevertheless, due to their beauty and ability to be trained, more and more sports racing enthusiasts have gotten so hooked into these birds. The Right Nutrition at Different Stages Basically, there are three major stages in a racing pigeon's life breeding, off-season, and training or racing. Each stage then requires a particular diet and feeding scheme. This fully applies especially when you prefer for it to succeed in sports. These stages require a balance of energy (carbohydrates and fats), protein, minerals and vitamins. And did you know that a piece of garlic can do wonders for the health of your birds? There are some fanciers that attest to the workings of garlic. They say that the consumption of this food item helps the rejuvenation of the blood. Care is not just done prior to racing. Right after racing, racing pigeons deserve some care and affection as well. 

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