Feeding Racing Pigeons Just like human beings, racing pigeons also have the need to be well fed in order to grow fit. Proper nutrition is vital for them to maintain the level of energy throughout the day, much more if they are racing frequently. Strict Diet Racing pigeons adhere to a strict diet, which comprises mostly of grains, grits and water. How To Breed Championship Caliber Pigeons The first advice I can give you as far as breeding racing pigeons is concerned is that there are no guarantees. You can have two champions produce 5 baby pigeons that won't become champions or won't even be considered competitive. That's why you need to deliberate on many factors in order to become a successful breeder and produce potential champions. The fascinating aspects of the sport are numerous to say the least, and the bond that man can create with the bird is a treasure that everybody needs to experience at some point in their lives. However, I've noticed recently that the sport is steadily declining in popularity. Sure, we still see a plethora of websites about pigeon racing on the internet. There are some certain pigeon needs that should be considered, and its breeding and training is like Science. There is no room for lots of errors and untested training and breeding actions. That is because for it to become a successful breeding and racing program of racing pigeons, you need tested set of suggestions and verified rules coming from the ground. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. Birds are able to live long when they receive the proper nutrition they deserve. There are birds that feed on seeds while others feed on food. However, there are those that feed on a combination of seeds and food. If you are a first-timer in terms of keeping racing pigeons for pets, then, it is best to talk to a vet.
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