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New racing pigeon 💕💓 || racer kabootar video || #birds #shorts #kabootar #kalapati #racing

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Expect these birds to start flying at 6 weeks, and they will start in small circles. The moment these birds start to gain confidence, these birds will fly for hours before returning to their lofts. Now remember that this is the perfect time for training the birds. They are best trained and guided if the birds have been ranged or routed for at least two (2) weeks. Minerals and vitamins must be included in their diet which can be mixed with the water or with the food in the form of oil. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. It's because in their daily forays in the skyline they will have to contend with strong winds and even other larger birds. More than these three rules, dedication is also important for fanciers wanting to raise champions. Remember that there is an ocean of difference between a pigeon racer and the keeper. There are several out there who are just beginning to be fascinated with racing pigeons, but are doubtful to embrace the inkling of breeding them, mainly because of money constraints. If you are among those who wish to start a family of racing pigeons but is currently on a tight budget, read on the following tips and use them as an essential guide. Letters are electronically sent in a matter of seconds via the Internet, and real time conversation with colleagues from far away is now possible through Instant Messaging. Ah, thanks to technology. Did you ever wonder what was it like a thousand years ago, when ancient man was still one with nature and empires were just about to be built? And because they are a source of joy, you must ensure that you pay attention to their health concerns. Illnesses must be given due notice before a simple symptom develops into a bigger problem. What are the things you must do to be sure that everything is going smoothly with your racing pigeon's life? 

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