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Racing Pigeon Loft Tour ( So Far )

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What you can do is to perhaps build three, separate small lofts: one for breeding, another one for racing, and lastly, for fancy birds. This way, you can easily control and maintain each one of them, depending on their needs. 3. Buy pigeons from a friend or a reputable source It is always easier to trust someone whom you already know. In fact, some people or organizations treat the sport as a profitable business. Yes, it is very profitable because it aims to gather fliers from all over the world to compete for a much coveted prize in this competition. So, how do you train the homing racing pigeons? Here is how. Train the pigeons in groups. All we see are charts, racing results, pigeon auctions and obscure pedigrees. All of these only serve to bore those people who have not been exposed to the hobby yet. If we wish to promote the sport to as many people as possible, we have to begin focusing again on the things that led us to the sport in the first place. and since then, the bond between man and these avian racers have gone stronger. The Basics A racing pigeon is a pigeon that is specially bred for speed and performance. It is usually competed in a sport called pigeon racing. In this sport, the specially trained pigeon is released and is allowed to cover a specific distance. Vitamin A is important for the bird to have good feathers and skin. Vitamin B, on the other hand, is essential for the bird's central nervous system. Meanwhile, Vitamin C is best in the prevention of different skin infections. The skeletal system then depends on its full development from the Vitamin D that the body receives. But it doesn't mean that you will have to over-feed these animals. Take care of the health of the birds by subjecting them to regular checkups. There are certain vaccination shots that should be enjoyed by these birds including shots for pox and paratyphoid. It may be best if you can worm these birds at least twice a year. 

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