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Blackpool Racing Pigeon Show Tour. January 21, 2023

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So you are wondering about what a futurity race is all about. To set the record straight, the futurity race is a kind of event that is being sponsored or held by loft managers or the pigeon clubs. The entire purpose for which is to bring together all the top trainers from different countries who will then compete against each other for a stipulated prize. All we see are charts, racing results, pigeon auctions and obscure pedigrees. All of these only serve to bore those people who have not been exposed to the hobby yet. If we wish to promote the sport to as many people as possible, we have to begin focusing again on the things that led us to the sport in the first place. The rules in pigeon racing mostly focus on ensuring that no racer cheats and that the fastest pigeon is awarded with the first place. The rules of the sport, as set forth by the pigeon racing governing body the American Pigeon Racing Union mostly covers significant rules regarding how to race, how to calculate dead time, and how to time the race. So, what you must ensure are to clean the loft, make sure there is no damp area which can become the breeding place of fungus and bacteria, give your pigeons fresh water and clean food at all times, and check with a vet to keep them healthy and strong. Through all of these, your youngsters will definitely grow into good racers. Without vitamins, the racing pigeon might not be able to sustain itself from the pressures of racing and competition. Vitamins supplements must be given along with food and water to increase the pigeon's level of health. Not all of the vitamins, minerals and trace elements are present in grains; therefore, these should be given to the pigeons in some other form. You have to make sure that water is not entering the loft's roof whenever it is raining, and there's no part of the loft that is prone to leaks. Keeping the pigeons dry will prevent them from being irritated and they will not be bothered by parasites that can cling on to their bodies. 2. Have Proper Ventilation Keeping the loft well ventilated greatly improves the health of the pigeons. 

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