Grits, on the other hand, supply the pigeons with a sufficient amount of salt, calcium and minerals that they need. Vitamins for Extra Energy Racing pigeons can actually survive on grains and grits alone, but if they are being led to racing most of the time, then they have to be fed with food having an extra amount of vitamins. During the warmer months, feeding the bird with suet is advised. You can opt for pork or beef fat or suet cakes and put them inside the cage. To ensure that your bird gets a well-rounded diet, you may choose to feed it with meal worms, fruits, and egg shells. The Right Nutrition at Different Stages Basically, there are three major stages in a racing pigeon's life breeding, off-season, and training or racing. In bird selection, you can never go wrong with the ones that have a lineage- racing pigeons that come from that illustrious family of race winners. If you don't know someone that breeds these top quality birds, then the second option for you is to go downtown and check out the lofts that breed these birds. Setting up an aviary also gives the pigeons the luxury to enjoy the fresh air at their own leisure. Pigeons need to be intimate with nature; a loft that allows them that luxury can make it easier for them to develop an attachment to their homes. 2. Dry Environment Too much moisture inside and outside the loft increases the chances of your pigeons to acquire diseases. Health issues often confront the racing pigeons. Thus, you should develop the habit of taking your birds to the veterinarian on a regular basis. They must be given the pertinent shots that will help them stay healthy. Vets know how they can be kept in shape so always listen to their advice. Give your birds a healthy diet. Most pigeon fanciers build multiple lofts in order to separate the males from the females as well as the young from the mature ones (or the unmated from the mated). The former is being done to have full control on breeding while the latter is often for pigeons which are not yet identified whether male or female.
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