It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. All we see are charts, racing results, pigeon auctions and obscure pedigrees. All of these only serve to bore those people who have not been exposed to the hobby yet. If we wish to promote the sport to as many people as possible, we have to begin focusing again on the things that led us to the sport in the first place. Thus, keep working on repetitions even when there are times you already feel frustrated. Training the Bird to Sit on Your Hand If you want your pet bird to be able to sit on your hand, then, you better let it get used to the presence of your hand inside the cage or loft. In that way, it will not be a cause of stress or alarm to the bird. Thus, be sure to clean the container and serve fresh water every time. Grit is the mixture of limestone, crushed oyster shell, ground bone, salt, granitite, charcoal, and different trace minerals. Health grits are now sold in the market so it is easier to get one to add to your pigeon's daily nutrition. That is why, it matters that you consult a vet. The stores also make available a blend of seeds that generally satisfy the birds and provide them with a significant amount of nutrition. A common bird food is the suet, that which is composed of animal fat. During the warmer months, feeding the bird with suet is advised. A Quick Look at Pigeon Racing In this sport race, there is a single starting gate where the birds bred specifically for this are to start off. However, there are about a thousand finish lines. Simply put, the competing birds are then taken out of their lofts. The point is they must race home. The travel rate and the distance are put on record and the fastest to be able to race home is declared as the winner.
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