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My favourite Red Racing Pigeon! Top quality!!! #shorts

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These birds also have extensive experience in dealing with any type of weather, which should be beneficial given the fact that the weather can be unpredictable at times. This is why pigeons that are competitive in short races don't necessary become winners when joining long ones. Not having the experience to brave the hazards of long flights, these pigeons didn't get to hone their heart, intelligence and stamina. In fact, both of them are treated to be symbols of peace and love. Like athletes, these birds are molded to compete. That is why, they are trained to become racing pigeons. Like any other creature, pigeons also have that sense of wanting to belong. The bird can't stand being away from its habitat. In cases when there is a loft assigned to it since its young age, it will always come back no matter what happens. Otherwise, it is disqualified. The shortest distance possible for each official race is no shorter than 75 miles. Timing: Each race is timed using electronic band scanning clock systems. Each of the clock used throughout the duration of the race should run at the same time. Participants should provide proper labeling of their timers. Doing this can increase the motivation of your pigeons to fly home as quickly as possible and as a result improve your chances of winning the competitions. 3. Set up a training loft and always keep it open during training sessions. Also ensure that there's sufficient space for the pigeons to enhance their flight skills. Likewise, it is important to teach your pet to go back on the perch. The best way to do it is by moving it close and giving the command like "up". Training the Bird to Go Back Inside the Cage Racing pigeons love to fly. After all, that is their essence of being birds. Therefore, you must give your pet the chance to fly around outside the cage but be sure to teach it how to go back inside. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. 

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