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STRONG Blue Bar Racing Pigeons!| TOP Quality!!! 1000+Km!

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Training the Bird to Move to another Finger As the bird gets used to sitting on your hand, you can now train it to move to the other finger. Remember to be careful in handling it. Never hurt it or else it will not trust you anymore. Likewise, it is important to teach your pet to go back on the perch. Read on to be properly guided. The loft. This will be the place which your pigeons will consider their home. There are lofts that are too big that they can cost you a lot to purchase one while others are small and some are even simply made of scrap materials. For some people, the loft can be a small wooden box that is about the size of the orange crate. Only once you have identified whether your pigeon is indeed in need of further speed can you really work on the potential reasons for the slow performance. You can measure the speed of your racing pigeon through the traditional and electronic timing methods. But although both can be effective, the traditional method may pose some conflicts when the winning bird suddenly does not continue on entering its loft, and hence the time recording does not become accurate Lastly, you need to make sure that you are closely connected with your racing pigeons. A great avenue to verify the accuracy of the information is by looking for race results on the internet. Now that we mention it, using the internet is also an excellent way to look for pedigreed pigeons. Relying on the quality of the parents alone is not enough to produce championship pigeons. One has to look into three features to ensure a high probability of quality stock. And don't even plan on using formica type material for floors, perches or for any part of the loft that requires regular cleaning. Sure, the smooth surface makes it easier to scrape, but the stains that stick to it are bound to give you more headaches. 4. Accessibility To Sunlight Pigeons need and love the sun so make sure that your loft is accessible to the sunlight. While it cannot be denied that physical features such as gait and wing muscle strength play a big factor in becoming a winner, attention should also be placed on the mental ability of a pigeon as early as an age of 3 months. More often than not, it is the mental faculties of your racing pigeon that will ultimately help you win the big prizes especially in competitions that involve long flights. 

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