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Van Loon Racing Pigeon -Middle Distance-

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Training the Bird to Sit on Your Hand If you want your pet bird to be able to sit on your hand, then, you better let it get used to the presence of your hand inside the cage or loft. In that way, it will not be a cause of stress or alarm to the bird. While inside the cage or loft, take time to pet your bird and talk to it until such time that it becomes comfortable going near your hand or climbing on it. Birds are able to live long when they receive the proper nutrition they deserve. There are birds that feed on seeds while others feed on food. However, there are those that feed on a combination of seeds and food. If you are a first-timer in terms of keeping racing pigeons for pets, then, it is best to talk to a vet. The great civilizations from East to West made full use of the racing pigeons as messengers that deliver important messages coming from the emperors out to the most remote areas of their lands. As empires expand, more and more racing pigeons were sent out to the sky. Because of their intelligence and swiftness, racing pigeons were regarded as prized possessions during the ancient times. You may have the fastest pigeon in a race, but it won't really matter if it doesn't fly in a straight line towards its goal. The more intelligent pigeons can orient themselves really well to any given location and have an innate feel of its coordinates. These types of pigeons can be found by looking for bloodlines that can fly at very long distances. And as soon the birds cross the designated borderline, fanciers and the enthusiasts would erupt in claps and cheers the loudest of course belong to the winning fancier. This goes on and on as long as there are competitions involving these pigeons. And so is the list of fanciers wanting to be the next toast of the racing community. This is certainly true to all the long-time fanciers of racing pigeons, who have learned to remain within the circuit despite the bad economy. However, how about those who are just starting out? There are several out there who are just beginning to be fascinated with racing pigeons, but are doubtful to embrace the inkling of breeding them, mainly because of money constraints. 

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