Train your racing pigeons to fly home from a long distance by placing them at a definite spot. Just make sure to make an estimate of the distance before doing this since it's recommendable that you tally a graphical data in order to monitor performance and trends. The first training usually sets the distance from the home at a mile or two. Pigeon racing uses a kind of pigeon breed that is purposefully bred for the said sport. This breed is called the "Racing Homer". Usually, the competing birds are conditioned and trained for the race between 100 up to 1000 km. Furthermore, one loft racing is the most recent development in pigeon racing. However, you must be ready to arm yourself with tons of patience because unlike human beings, they don't have much capacity to understand and obey you at once. You must be patient and determined to let them obey your commands. It is best if you are the one who trains the bird given the fact that you are the master. Training tosses tips There are some factors too that needs to be practiced when doing the first few training tosses. The racing pigeons should be in perfect health during training. Consider as well the number of days spent in routing and ranging If you can, you also need to consider the quality of pigeons migrating The best time to train these pigeons is during a clear day. The shelter, specifically called "loft" for a pigeon house, comes in different styles depending on your desired functions. Most pigeon fanciers build multiple lofts in order to separate the males from the females as well as the young from the mature ones (or the unmated from the mated). The former is being done to have full control on breeding while the latter is often for pigeons which are not yet identified whether male or female. Although the rules of the race seems straightforward the bird that finishes the race first typically wins these are actually more complicated. The Rules The long and strict rules of this sport are attributed to the fact that it has been around for centuries. The rules in pigeon racing mostly focus on ensuring that no racer cheats and that the fastest pigeon is awarded with the first place.
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