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Meulemans Racing Pigeon | Meuleman Pigeon Lovers Colour Genetics In Racing Pigeons 2022

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You can also entice them to go back home at a fast rate with grains and treats. Encourage the pigeon to go solo when you think it can handle it. This will train the pigeon to fly without the others without losing its confidence that it can go home alone. Time the bird's flight. With continued practice, its travel rate will become faster and faster. An Important Note To Racing Pigeons Generally, racing pigeons occur when there is a group of pigeons gathered in a specific liberation point and then released at the same time. The time of release is then recorded. Depending on the kind of race, the birds should return to their lofts or home and are clocked in. These birds feed on plants, seeds, and fruits. The mother pigeons also generate crop milk. Surprisingly, the fathers also produce crop milk for their young ones. Both parents take care of the nourishment of their young ones. The Pigeons' Diet The principal diet constituents of pigeons include the seeds and fruits. You can't expect it to race fast if it's not in good health condition. Training tosses don t usually help with the pigeon's performance. These usually negatively affect their health. It is better to have a pair of excellent pigeons than to own a group that doesn t perform well. Don t overwork your pigeons, especially the youngsters. Regularly Scrape off the Droppings Organisms such as coccidia and worms are sometimes present in pigeons, and these are normally passed off in the droppings. If another pigeon eats a dropping, then the bacteria have been transferred already to the pigeon that ate the dropping. In order to prevent the disease from spreading, scrape the loft daily. Make sure the bird is able to enjoy enough space of its own. Racing pigeons' illnesses don't often come around with very visible symptoms. However, they can produce a grave impact on your pets' overall health. Check things out with the veterinarian so you will know how you can better take care of these animals. 

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