It is about which you think is more comfortable for your pigeons and easiest for you to maintain. It will highly depend on your budget and the number of lofts you prefer to have. The most important thing is of course, it is clean and dry and is safeguarded against the possible predators. The water, food, and grit. Most importantly, their homing instincts are too undeveloped to be able to spot the shortest route; these pigeons also tend to lose their way easily. As a result, short distance racers quit at the slightest provocation. Keeping the pigeons healthy is also very important and that is why physical conditioning should always be administered the moment a young pigeon learns to fly in order to develop strength, stamina and recovery time. This way, you can easily control and maintain each one of them, depending on their needs. 3. Buy pigeons from a friend or a reputable source It is always easier to trust someone whom you already know. If you have a friend who's also a racing pigeon fancier, then that's good for you. He can walk you through the ropes of finding and buying pigeons of the highest quality, but are not that expensive. Pigeon racing competitions abound all over the world, with most of them involving big money. Being a successful pigeon racer requires discipline, constant care and a penchant eye for detail. Here are some important tips that will help you become a winner in this sport: 1. Set up a loft in your backyard and ensure that the pigeon is basket trained as soon as it learns how to fly. Minerals and vitamins must be included in their diet which can be mixed with the water or with the food in the form of oil. It is highly important that the food should have low moisture content or else it will be susceptible to becoming a breeding ground for fungi, bacteria, and eventually become toxic for the bird. After all, that is their essence of being birds. Therefore, you must give your pet the chance to fly around outside the cage but be sure to teach it how to go back inside. Let the bird get used to the command "come" and always have a stick for your pet. If you will be training your bird outside of the cage, be sure to get it used to being taken outside or in a basket for at least 5 to 10 minutes every day.
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