The temperature will be more favorable if there are only a few pigeons that occupy a loft. Also, if in case one pigeon catches a disease, there's a lesser chance for the other pigeons to get infected. 3. Provide Clean Food And Water This factor is already self-explanatory. Just like human beings, your racing pigeons must be fed with fresh and clean food and water. Whichever is goal, you must remember that you can always enter your pigeons into a race provided that you know of the basics to ensure that their health is in its best shape to enable them to train and compete eventually. So, what you must ensure are to clean the loft, make sure there is no damp area which can become the breeding place of fungus and bacteria, give your pigeons fresh water and clean food at all times, and check with a vet to keep them healthy and strong. An Important Note To Racing Pigeons Generally, racing pigeons occur when there is a group of pigeons gathered in a specific liberation point and then released at the same time. The time of release is then recorded. Depending on the kind of race, the birds should return to their lofts or home and are clocked in. Keep on repeating the command words that you use so the bird will be able to familiarize it. Training your racing pigeons is not difficult at all provided that you have tons of patience in your system. There are times when you already feel like giving up and frustration chews on you, but, don't fret. All About Homing Pigeon Racing Homing pigeon racing is the kind of sport that is composed of a single starting gate but has at least a hundred finish lines. It is then referred to as the "uncontrolled competition". It is likewise considered an aerial race wherein there are thousands of competing birds yet there are no spectators. The training of these pigeons includes letting them fly between 100 up to 1000 km. When these birds are released to fly, the judges have to measure the bird's travel rate to cover the measured distance. The winning bird is the one that returns with the highest speed. The History of Pigeon Racing This racing sport instigated in Belgium in the middle of 19th century.
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