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Racing Pigeons Leo Heremans

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The ability to return to its owner after traveling thousands of kilometers by flight is certainly an amazing quality especially for a bird. Let alone migratory birds fly the really long distances. But whenever pigeons lovingly return to the arms of their owners, the feeling of elation is just unavoidable. Illnesses must be given due notice before a simple symptom develops into a bigger problem. What are the things you must do to be sure that everything is going smoothly with your racing pigeon's life? Health issues often confront the racing pigeons. Thus, you should develop the habit of taking your birds to the veterinarian on a regular basis. So, what you must ensure are to clean the loft, make sure there is no damp area which can become the breeding place of fungus and bacteria, give your pigeons fresh water and clean food at all times, and check with a vet to keep them healthy and strong. Through all of these, your youngsters will definitely grow into good racers. Then again, the pigeons became popularly known to many because of their ability to carry messages home. These birds then became an integral part of the history of mankind. History traces back time before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptian's assigning of the birds to carry information in their kingdoms, the involvement of these pigeons in the first Olympic games, and their use for the military and business leaders. The winning bird is the one that returns with the highest speed. The History of Pigeon Racing This racing sport instigated in Belgium in the middle of 19th century. The racing pigeons are considered to be the oldest among the domesticated birds. Their predecessors were the ones that were once bred due to their homing ability and capability to carry messages. And did you know that a piece of garlic can do wonders for the health of your birds? There are some fanciers that attest to the workings of garlic. They say that the consumption of this food item helps the rejuvenation of the blood. Care is not just done prior to racing. Right after racing, racing pigeons deserve some care and affection as well. 

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