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The Chinese man who spends US$85,500 a year raising racing pigeons

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If we want to spark interest about pigeon racing as a hobby and a sport, an effort has to be made in regards to reaching out to kids. After all, the fascination with pigeons is in its truest form in the eyes of a child. Their minds are not subjected to corruption by the lure of money that comes with the sport, nor would they care much about a pigeon's type of pedigree. Dampness is a main source of problem because it is generally the breeding ground for parasites and germs. Therefore, make certain that you change the uneaten food and untouched water. Dry the area every time there are spills and moisture. If there is a noticeable amount of food left, cut down on the amount that you give the bird. grandchild to grandparents or cousin to cousin) than those for cross breeding. Although less expensive than cross-breeding and a lot safer than in-breeding, this method may take a long time to establish the traits that you want in your pigeon. In-breeding is the riskiest but may also be the most successful method provided that you have really ideal pigeons. Because of the evolution of the sport, the competing birds are now timed in through the use of the electronic clocks and the uniquely bar coded bands. They don't only serve the purpose of timing it but likewise calculate the pigeon's travel rate. To sum things up, pigeon race is made up of pigeons that are released by the owners in order to let them fly home. Take account of these three key features in both the male and the female and the probability of producing quality stock should increase. To help you in the assessment, let's have a breakdown of these three key features: The Physical (gait, feather, wing) The physiology (fitness parameters). Psychology (attitude and competitiveness). The serial number is hence recorded, then, the clock is set before it is sealed. The bird carries it home. As the bird returns to its home, the trainer takes off the ring and then places it into the clock slot. That is the time that is then recorded. The electronic timing method consists of an automatic recording of the bird's arrival in its home. 

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