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How I prepare my pigeons for a race...

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Racing pigeon is the sport genre that includes the flying of especially trained group of pigeons known as the "Racing Homer". The training of these pigeons includes letting them fly between 100 up to 1000 km. When these birds are released to fly, the judges have to measure the bird's travel rate to cover the measured distance. Meanwhile, underfeeding your racing pigeons mean that you're providing them with food having low energy values, thus, resulting to the exhaustion of energy reserves in the pigeon's muscles. For you to know if you're overfeeding or underfeeding your racing pigeons, feed only what they will eat in 10 minutes. In the United States, there is the Lou McElroy Futurity which was incepted in the year 2000. This race places the pigeons into various lofts and come under different handlers. What is basically great about futurity racing is that anybody who has hoped to join such event can enter his pigeons. Even when the birds don't have much training, it is still alright. Yes, it is very profitable because it aims to gather fliers from all over the world to compete for a much coveted prize in this competition. So, how do you train the homing racing pigeons? Here is how. Train the pigeons in groups. This will help relieve their panic and improve their confidence. Remember that when they are taken out of their lofts, they begin to get stressed out. Regularly Scrape off the Droppings Organisms such as coccidia and worms are sometimes present in pigeons, and these are normally passed off in the droppings. If another pigeon eats a dropping, then the bacteria have been transferred already to the pigeon that ate the dropping. In order to prevent the disease from spreading, scrape the loft daily. This is easier said than done, but with the right formula at your disposal then it's easy to take the lead in the circuit. It all starts with selecting the best racing pigeons to breed. There are many schools of thoughts that are propagated right now on how to carefully select the best breed. Though the suggestions are varied, it all boils down to the birds' ability, the feather and its conformation. 

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