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Cluster Headaches

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Since it is one of the indispensable and common illnesses everyone experiences, people have learned to find ways to relieve the discomfort brought by headache. REMEDYING HEADACHES Headaches are usually caused by physical and emotional stress. If you are dying to find a solution to your persistent headache, try taking in over the counter remedies like aspirin, acetaminophen, and ibuprofen. This is not a disease but merely an inconvenience one will feel for a period of time. Doctors refer to this as a tension headache. When this happens for a short period of time, it is known as episodic. Should this last more a number of days, this is known as chronic. Research has not been able to pinpoint the cause of tension headaches. But if you are the type of person not usually keen on taking over the counter drugs, there are also some home remedies that you can try out for your headache. There is a wealth of ingredients that you can find around your own home that can help you get rid of a nasty headache. Home remedies for your headache help you make use of more natural methods of treating your headaches. Aside from this, there can be a loss of smell from a congested nasal passage. Furthermore, aside from sinus headaches and other symptoms already mentioned here, sinusitis could trigger fever and cough. The cough can sometimes be a result of a post nasal drip from the draining of the sinuses that irritate the upper windpipe which causes it to be sore and encourages us to cough as a result. Naturally, if you suffer from migraine and not sinus headaches, you must get migraine specific medication. Otherwise, you will continue to suffer from migraines without getting proper treatment and this of course can result to a serious impediment on the quality of life you deserve to enjoy. It is quite easy to mistake migraines for sinus headaches because some individuals who suffer migraine also suffer from sinusitis like symptoms such as pain in the face area as well as a stuffy nose and ref puffy eyes. When the individual is able, it will be a good idea to go to the hospital so a thorough examination can be done and proper treatment can be given. Some patients will be advised to stay at home for a few days while others will be given medication to make it go away. The headache with dizziness experienced by the person can be episodic meaning this occurred because of the current situation in school or at work. 

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