Should this be 140 over 90 or higher, the person has hypertension. It isn t hard to tell one has high blood pressure given the size of the patient. This is because doctors have a standard given an individual s gender, height and age so those who are above that are at risk of high blood pressure. The doctor has to go through the standard operating procedure of asking some personal questions, which includes the individual s medical history. However, there most experts would agree that headache could be further classified into two broad categories: the primary and the secondary. Primary headache includes migraine, cluster, and tension headache. Migraine headache are usually characterized by throbbing pain on one side of the head, queasiness, over sensitivity to light and sound especially to bright lights and loud noises. Aside from these, experts suspect that eating cold foods, added caffeine intake, sleeplessness, general fatigue, sinus congestion, allergies, eyestrain, stress, depression, hunger, and even dehydration. The most common form of headache experienced during pregnancy is migraine that occurs when the blood vessels in the brain constrict and dilate. But when the headache becomes worse, make sure that you visit your health care provider because it can also be an indication of more serious illnesses like meningitis or the inflammation of the meninges or membrane around a person s brain; sub-arachnoid haemorrhage due a bleeding in the space between the brain and the arachnoid layer of the meninges, stroke, blood pressure, brain tumor, and temporal arteritis due to the inflammation of the arteries in the scalp. Non-medication treatment for migraines includes applying cold compress or splashing cold water on the face at the first sign of headaches. A migraine attack can also be alleviated by lying down in a quiet and dark room for several hours to sleep or meditate to relax the mind. There are also other therapies that are being employed in order to help prevent migraines. Furthermore, aside from sinus headaches and other symptoms already mentioned here, sinusitis could trigger fever and cough. The cough can sometimes be a result of a post nasal drip from the draining of the sinuses that irritate the upper windpipe which causes it to be sore and encourages us to cough as a result.
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