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How to Stop Headaches Using Science-Based Approaches | Huberman Lab Podcast

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Some specialists believe that migraine headaches may be caused by the constriction in the blood vessel, particularly in the electronic changes in the vessels that are similar with what happens during seizures. Others feel that migraines are actually hereditary and people with history of migraines in the family will most likely suffer from the problem. Statistics say that 18 to 28 million Americans suffer from migraines and majority of which is women. Aside from throbbing or pulsing pain, migraine is also characterized by visual disturbances, numbness of the face, nausea, and heavy vomiting. Usually triggered by food, stress, heat or cold temperature, strong smells, emotions, fatigue, or hormonal fluctuations, experts say that people who are anxious and depressed are more prone to migraine. Peppermint tea and rosemary tea are examples of popular home remedy beverages for your nagging headache. Drinking a cup or two of your favorite peppermint tea will do wonders for your headache. Preparing a teaspoon of rosemary in a cup of hot water and steeped for about 10 minutes will also do as well. Find out what are the possible causes that trigger the throbbing pain. Stress is actually one of the most common factors that triggers headache during pregnancy. What you can do is to recognize what are the things that stress you out and find a way to avoid them. Aside from identifying and accepting the reasons why are you stressed out, you can also minimize stress by eating regularly and drinking plenty of liquids. There are a number of very effective headache cures out there for even the most stubborn and severe chronic headache. More often than not, the reason why headache cures don't work is that an individual may be taking incorrect medication. For instance, studies have proven that countless individuals complain that sinus headache cures don't work on them and this is clearly because most people who think they suffer from sinus headaches are actually suffering from migraine. By learning to relax a bit and do some stress management, one can prevent migraine headaches from recurring. Try to spread your workload to a degree, which you can manage. Rest for a while when you feel that you are getting tired. Another great way is to deal with the attack head on. Relieve the pain in the head by keeping warm and avoiding extreme temperatures. 

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