In his book he will explain what self hypnosis is and help you to find the right imagery that will work for you. Rising Above Pain by Susie Rotch is another great book to help you learn how to use self hypnosis to manage chronic pain. Both of the above books are great for even beginners who are looking to alleviate pain from their lives. Self Hypnosis for Sports Coaches Sports coaches are always looking for ways to enhance their teams performance. One way that a sports coach can help his/her players be better is to use self hypnosis sessions in a group with the team. Self hypnosis can keep the team focused and motivated, it can help build confidence in each member of the team and overall performance of the team will improve. As for the history of self hypnosis there have been important connections between self hypnosis and the Jewish cabalistic mysticism made. Before it was used in western medicine, self hypnosis was used for healing and as part of human religious practices. Self hypnosis now a days is widely accepted as a scientific approach to self discovery and change. Also with self hypnosis you are hypnotizing yourself, so why would you be at risk of doing anything silly or stupid? After all would you try and hypnotize yourself to bark like a dog every time you heard a door bell? I really don t think so. Myth #2-Forever being stuck in a hypnotized state of mind This is not going to happen either. The CD uses a hypnotic progressive relaxation technique that will get your relaxed mentally and even physically. Once relaxed you will have no trouble sleeping. Lynda Malerstein a clinical hypnotherapist from Los Angeles, California has created a self hypnosis CD that is designed to cure insomnia. Her CD titled Power Journey to Deep Restful Sleep, uses guided imagery along with relaxing background music. The only question is why hire a hypnotist when you can do it yourself? Self hypnosis will give you all the results that you are wanting without the high cost of a hypnotist. There will be some costs associated with using self hypnosis but unlike using a hypnotist these costs should only be a one time cost and also will be considerably lower than that of a hypnotist session.
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