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Rosacea wat is het en is er iets tegen te doen?

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Because no one knows why it happens, there is also no known cure for it. People who have it can however manage and control the problem and its symptoms. One of the ways to do this is to avoid sun exposure. People in the Europe put on a lot of sunscreen and cover up with hats and long sleeves when they are out in the sun. Experts say that women are most prone to this skin condition and their overall appearance is greatly affected. Various cases of Rosacea show that people who are suffering from it, aside from extreme skin flushing, will eventually have enlarged and swollen nose which continues to turn red over time. Don t trigger it Experts say that up until now, the exact cause or causes of Rosacea have been identified. Aside from being an all-natural product, fruits are low in calories, rich in dietary fiber that helps boosts satiety, and satisfies a person s sweet tooth without worrying about weight gain and storing fats which can affect the skin s condition. Containing all the nutrients and vitamins it has, fruits are an ideal for maintaining good skin because it also aids in the prevention of vitamin deficiency, a rich source of dietary fiber and rich in folate. Although it affects millions of people all over the world, about 46 million to be exact, nothing much has been known about rosacea in terms of its causes, spread and cure. There are many theories as to what exactly causes the break outs but nothing has been proven yet. So far, there is no evidence that it spreads from person to person contact but again, nothing is conclusive. Rosacea: What You Need To Know When Dealing With It There are a lot of skin problems in the world but is perhaps more unpredictable than rosacea. Even with more than 46 million people affected in the world, nobody knows how it starts and how it can be cured. In fact some people who have rosacea do not even know that they have the skin problem because the symptoms are as regularly occurring as the symptoms of other diseases. Those who are triggered by heat and sun exposure make sure that they have umbrellas and hats when they leave the house. Others try to pick their food carefully to make sure that they will not eat trigger foods. These are of course trial and error. You first need to find out what exactly is causing the break outs. 

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