You are not a hard drinker but your rosacea symptoms are putting you on the spot. Lifestyle changes You can help minimize your chances of contracting rosacea by some personal lifestyle changes. These include diet and exercise where you can identify your rosacea trigger foods (caffeine, spices, sugar and other sweeteners, etc. Without checking this list, finding what causes the flare ups may be like looking for a needle in a haystack. 2. Be observant When you have flare ups, check immediately what you have come into contact with or what you have eaten. This is the only way you can determine what your triggering factor is. 3. To avoid mistakes in choosing skin care products and treatments, it is very important to have the knowledge about general causes of skin problems its types, the age of the patient, current status or condition so you know what are the products appropriate for each kind. Also, try to prevent the development of the skin condition by developing strategies to keep their skin healthy. In fact, people who stop medication or treatment suffer from relapse after a few months. One of the ways to manage it is to use topical and oral medicines. Topical medicines are usually the first to be prescribed because they have proven to be effective and do not have many side effects. One of the most common is the erythromycin which is often being prescribed to people with acne problems. Diagnosis Many dermatologists and medical researchers are one in the opinion that rosacea is one disease hard to diagnose. The reason is simply that there are many other skin conditions that co-exist with it. The list of these diseases acne, seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, or lupus symptoms is rather plentiful. In fact, some people with rosacea refuse to even go out because they are ashamed of how they look. Besides the redness, some cases also have pustules and pimples similar to acne but instead of whiteheads, you will find clear liquid. Blood vessels also become dilated and thus showing through the skin and the eyes may become watery.
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