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Rosacea flare up, close up 💖 #redness #rosacea #rosaceaawareness #rosaceawithrose #sensitiveskin

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Avoid sun exposure Most people afflicted with rosacea suffer from flare ups when they stay under the sun for too long. And it's not just about the direct heat of the sun, even humidity and indoor heat can be triggers. It seems that when the temperature of the body rises, break outs occur. This is perhaps also the reason why spicy foods are also known to cause rosacea flare ups. Anyone can develop rosacea, although those over 30 years old are most prone. It is also more common in those with fair skin and light eye color. Often, there is also a family history of rosacea. Beginnings Rosacea usually begins in young adults, in most cases. It often starts as a flushing (redness) of the cheeks, nose and chin that comes and goes from time to time. Some rosacea patients have break outs when they are exposed to the sun, when the temperature is really high and when the weather is humid. Some get their pimples from eating spicy foods or dishes that trigger their condition: some kinds of veggies and dairy products. Stress can also be a trigger and so using cosmetics and other skin products. Rosacea, to those tho have not heard of the problem, rosacea is a skin problem characterized by severe redness on the skin on the forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Unlike acne, there seems to be no hormonal imbalances or blackheads/whiteheads. All rosacea can offer is a totally confusing set of symptoms and triggers. Keep your skin care routine simple and use fewer products. It is important to note the episodes when your flushing occurs. The above list is just the common triggers that happen to most rosacea victims. There are other triggers not listed here. By writing down and taking notes to what foods, products, activities, medications and other things that triggers your rosacea, you would be able to exactly know them to be able to avoid them. Because of its prevalence especially in women, rosacea is considered as one of the most common skin orders in America with 1 among 20 Americans suffering from it. Commonly characterized by flushing of the skin and the appearance of reddish or purplish discoloration on the skin, Rosacea has become a problem especially among women. 

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