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A Surprising Treatment for Athlete's Foot?

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Symptoms of athlete's foot How do you know when you have athlete's foot? Often, people suffering from this foot problem will start to experience itching in between the toes. There will also be scaling and unusual redness in the skin. Soon after, the affected area will crack and will blister. It is important that you do not scratch the affected area as touching it will cause the skin to open up and allowing the fungus to enter deep into the skin, thereby exacerbating the condition. Fungi just love warm and wet floors so make sure that you do not give them the opportunity to latch on to your feet when you step on them. Wear socks and change them often. A good pair of cotton socks can help you a lot in getting rid of and avoiding fungus. Socks absorb the moisture of your feet especially when inside a tight rubber shoes. Aside from these facilities, the fungus that causes the skin disease can also be found on the floors and clothing as well as to dark, warm, or humid areas. Usually, the infection spreads through direct contact with contaminated or infected objects or surfaces. Aside from the skin of the foot, soles and toenails can also be affected when it s not given proper medication. Cracked, blistered or peeling areas in any area of the feet is also a bad sign most especially if such things occur in between toes because in between the toes is the area of specialty of fungus. Redness and scaling on the sole part of the feet can also be counted as a symptom although it is not such a strong symptom. Diagnosis of athlete s foot usually depends on the appearance of the foot to know its status and what exactly caused it. Experts say that a fungus known as dermatophyte causes athlete s foot. This type of fungus is known to thrive in dark, warm, and moist environments where they can grow such as locker rooms floors, public showers or in swimming pools. Itchiness on the surrounding skin is also one of the disturbing and troublesome symptoms of athlete's foot. But the sufferer may worry no more. There are a number of treatments available to get rid of athlete's foot. Over-the-counter anti-fungal medications are now available in drug stores that will be able to effectively cure your athlete's foot. 

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