The flowers range from glistening white, bright gold, chartreuse, pink, plum, apricot and others, including those with brown, purple, or iridescent green backs. Oriental hybrid (division 7) These lilies are not easy to grow, but they are exotic. They have huge fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, salmon, and crimson. To know if you need to water your peace lily, check the soil if it is still moist. Also check the leaves of the plant, if it is slightly drooping then you may want to add the frequency of watering the plant. Fertilizer. Adding fertilizer once a month would be enough. Make sure to use water-soluble houseplant fertilizer. Plant the lily bulbs before winter arrives and cover them with at least 4 inches of soil. (Slightly deeper is better.) Use a complete fertilizer mix to protect them from diseases and pests (lily leaf beetles). If you see them, immediately pick out the beetle eggs from the leaves and destroy them yourself. Handle the bulbs carefully, since they have roots which are somewhat fragile. Where to buy? There are numerous garden centers. But if you want something guaranteed then contact your local grower or nursery. Just make sure that you are dealing with reputable growers in the area. You could even look for a specialty grower, someone who specializes in lilies and lily bulbs. To ensure that the lilies will grow well, consider the amount of sunlight it needs. If you are in a cold place, you need to place the plant in an area where it can be exposed in sunlight the whole time. Another major consideration in keeping indoor lilies is the soil that you will place in its pot. Since soil is the major lifeline of the lily plant, make sure that you choose the best quality to keep it thriving. Martagon hybrids, however, can bloom well in the shade, which makes them prized by some growers. For some effects, you can plant your lilies in groups of three or five identical bulbs. Space the plants 8 to 12 inches apart. Depending on the vigor and size of the lilies, keep the groups 3 to 5 feet apart.
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