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PLANTING ASIATIC LILIES / How to grow and care for asiatic lilies

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You just need to put some pines straw to cover the ground, to keep the weeds away and also contain the moisture inside. Pest control. One of the major lily problems are pests like the lily leaf beetle. They target the flowers and leaves and could leave serious effects on the lily bulbs. Although, these beetles could be removed with chemical pesticides, experts recommend that the bulbs be cleaned before planting. You should also focus on soil selection since this serves as the lifeline of the lilies. Since soil is the main source of nutrients indoor plants need, make sure that you know which type of soil you should use. Experts say that soil selection is very important aspect in maintaining indoor lilies because this will determine the success and failure of your project. They grow very well in relatively warm places with good moisture-retaining soil that drains well. Caring for the Casablanca Talking garden techniques, the Casablanca would love a slightly raised soil bed mixed with a lot of peat moss and has a pH (acidity) of around 6.5 to 6.8. Plant the lily bulbs before winter arrives and cover them with at least 4 inches of soil. Once the sprouts are out, protect them from freezing if temperatures go below minus 5 degrees Celsius. By the middle or end of June, dwarf lily varieties are ready to bloom. Watering should be daily, depending on winds, temperature or rains. Then, the flowers bloom. Pots Bigger pots are best. They hold more soil and there is less chance for the bulbs to be frozen or baked inside. When flowers bloom and wilt, remove the deadheads to encourage further blooms. If you want cut flowers from the blooms, cut half of the stalk. Never cut the foliage because it is needed to ensure the vitality of the plant. Do the cuttings early in the morning. Pruning After the flowering season, continue watering until the stem and leaves become yellow. As mentioned, stick with retailers that is guaranteed, check with your relatives, friends and even their retailer websites for customer feedbacks about their plants. When buying water lilies, check the bottom of the leaves for pests, discolorations or any evidence, like chew marks, of being infested. 

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