Choosing Lilies If you want to grow a plant that is easy to maintain, beautiful and colorful then lilies are the best option for you. Studies show that lilies are considered as one of the most popular flowers in the world along with rose. In fact, it is the fourth most popular flower across the globe. Shapes and forms Lilies are grown mostly from bulbs made of scales that overlap. (In China, some species use the bulbs for food.) Some grow from underground stems called rhizomes. Lilies that grow under the sun sport leaves that are narrow and have parallel veins. Those grown under shades have wider leaves with net veins. Choosing, Planting And Caring For Your Garden Lilies Lilies give life and color to any garden and brighten it up beyond your expectations. These hardy bulbs need very little care but can surprise anyone by eventually growing into a large cluster of flowering stems. To have a longer-lasting series of blooms, you can choose a combination of early, mid-season and late-blooming cultivars. All pots must have the all-important drainage hole at the bottom. Another concern would be the depth of the pot. Lily bulbs need at least 4 inches of soil on top and another inch at the bottom of the pot. Soil Lilies love sandy soil. The bulbs grow bigger in the sandy mix than in regular peat mixes. Drainage is also assured against accidents of over-watering. To ensure that the lilies will grow well, consider the amount of sunlight it needs. If you are in a cold place, you need to place the plant in an area where it can be exposed in sunlight the whole time. Another major consideration in keeping indoor lilies is the soil that you will place in its pot. Since soil is the major lifeline of the lily plant, make sure that you choose the best quality to keep it thriving. One of the major lily problems are pests like the lily leaf beetle. They target the flowers and leaves and could leave serious effects on the lily bulbs. Although, these beetles could be removed with chemical pesticides, experts recommend that the bulbs be cleaned before planting. Also, be warned against botrytis, powdery mildew, rust and aphids.
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