First, you need to check out are the discussion pages online about the subject. These are typically categorized under Home and Gardening section or Favorite Activities. Aside from the right information, you can also meet people at this venue who are interested on the same activity as you are. There are also many websites that contain useful write-ups about this. You can take care of this by having plants correctly spaced among themselves in the garden. The reason is air circulation for the leaves to dry out fast after the rains. (If there is fungus, apply any fungicide recommended for roses. It works on lilies just as fine.) Planting time Lily bulbs (in mild climates) can be planted anytime the ground is not frozen solid and dry enough to dig a hole. These differences make up for the overall allure of the flowers themselves. False lilies Many flowers that have the name lily attached to them aren't in the lily family (Liliaceae). Calla lilies and peace lilies are from a different family (Araceae). Others belong to the daffodil family (Amaryllidaceae). But if you want something guaranteed then contact your local grower or nursery. Just make sure that you are dealing with reputable growers in the area. You could even look for a specialty grower, someone who specializes in lilies and lily bulbs. What about water lilies? There are different nurseries and online plant retailers that sell water lilies. It is a must that you know the most suitable soil that you can use so your potted lilies can get all the nutrients it need. Among all the types of soil available for indoor lilies, experts say that clay would be the best option. Since it has high water retention properties, clay can supply all the nutrients needed by indoor lilies despite restricted living conditions. It is also usual to find acetone and similar chemical vapors in bathrooms because of grooming and cleaning products which are stored in the room. In fact, a NASA-conducted study and the Associated Landscape Contractors of America considered peace lily as one of the best houseplants since it could help in purifying indoor air.
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