Casablanca lilies are often mistaken for other varieties, but their characteristics and features always stand out. Their flowers sometimes reach 10 to 12 inches in diameter and their irresistible sweet fragrance are distinctly their own. Meanings Because Casablanca lilies are among the most popular wedding flowers, people associate it mostly with happiness and serenity. To help the plants bloom and to increase the production of bulbs, you have to fertilize these with phosphorous and potassium. The fertilizers must never come in direct contact with the bulbs, so you need to water in meticulously. Water is very essential in growing these plants. You need to supply the flower bed with constant moisture. Pests In long stretches of cool and wet weather, lilies can be attacked by botrytis, a fungus that destroys lily leaves. You can take care of this by having plants correctly spaced among themselves in the garden. The reason is air circulation for the leaves to dry out fast after the rains. (If there is fungus, apply any fungicide recommended for roses. In choosing which variety to grow, make sure that you buy one of each first and try it out. If the type bloom and grow in your space well, that s the time that you can buy additional potted lilies. To ensure that the lilies will grow well, consider the amount of sunlight it needs. If you are in a cold place, you need to place the plant in an area where it can be exposed in sunlight the whole time. (Also, try planting lilies in odd number groups of 3, 5, or 7 bulbs and watch the color combination of their flowers later.) Some stats Lilies are herbaceous flowering plants that normally develop from bulbs. There are about 110 species in the lily family. All of them are large, showy perennial flowering plants that make great cut flowers for bouquets, table centerpieces and other arrangements. If it is not possible, then you could refrigerate the bulbs or place them inside the vegetable crisper. Planting the bulbs The most common questions when planting would be the about the technical stuff, like depth and distance. Lily bulbs with sizes of 7-10 cm should be buried in about 3-4 inches deep of soil, larger bulbs with 10-15 cm should be buried in about 4-6 inches.
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