Lilies are different from daffodils because they don't have petals that are attached to the seed receptacles, like the daffodils. The same is true for the many species of water lilies. They are from a completely different family of flowers. (On the other hand, wild onions, leeks and wild garlic are in the lily family, as well as trilliums, tulips and hyacinths. If you are planning to buy lily bulbs to plant, then it is important to consider the time when you will be buying the bulbs. Spring and fall are the best times to buy lily bulbs. Since lilies do not go dormant for a long time, it is best to buy bulbs when it is already near planting time. Here are some things to keep in mind when buying lily bulbs: When buying lily bulbs, check if the bulbs have any kind of sprouts. But if you are very particular about size, fragrance and color, choose Oriental lilies because these have exotic and large as well as sweet perfume. Experts say that these two are ideal for northern gardens. No matter what type of lilies you choose, make sure that you choose the ideal soil and containers where you will place it. After potting, take care to water them thoroughly. (Water should come out of the drainage holes in the bottom.) After which, slow-release fertilizer is to be added on top of the soil. Storing Move the trays of potted lilies to an unheated place so they can sit for a minimum of 2 weeks to root. Keeping them in the cold stimulates them to have healthy and extensive root systems before they send out shoots. You could even put some rocks or blocks on the edges of the bed to make it look more appealing. When to plant Experts would often recommend planting in the spring or in the fall, usually in the middle of September until October. Once you have bought the bulbs, it is important to immediately plant them once the ground is workable. These come in small species that are ideal for small and shaded spaces. Since lilies are ornamental plants, you can place these in containers for easy maintenance. In choosing which variety to grow, make sure that you buy one of each first and try it out. If the type bloom and grow in your space well, that s the time that you can buy additional potted lilies.
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