Asiatic The two most popular types of lily plants for your garden are the Asiatic and Oriental lilies. The Asiatic variety is the easiest to grow. It is hardy and there is no need for staking. It is also not very choosy when it comes to the soil it grows as long as it has good drainage. Orientals Oriental lilies, on the other hand, are getting to be popular. This hybrid species of some of the East Asian lily species are widely famous for their robust growth and their extremely alluring fragrance (that can overwhelm the whole garden), including, of course, their elegant looks. Casablanca lilies are often mistaken for other varieties, but their characteristics and features always stand out. They can also be used to decorate special occasions like weddings, since they have these elegant look which is available in different color combinations. One of the most popular kind of lilies kept in homes is the peace lily. Why peace lilies? There are numerous studies showing the peace lilies were able to reduce the growth of molds. In their tradition, it could cure sore throats, build the lungs stronger, help address heart problems and improve kidney functions. They could also be used to lower down fever temperatures. Some would use lily bulbs to help them relax and improve sleep. European history also showed that they have used lily bulbs for medicinal purposes like fevers, cleaning wounds and sores. Simple Guide When Buying Lilies The best way to start growing lilies is to purchase the appropriate type that your space would allow. In the market, there are different varieties of lilies. They come in various shapes, sizes and colors and you have almost all a thousand and one types to choose from! However, when buying lilies it is very important that you are somehow familiar with the plant because you might get confused when you are already out there. Once you have basic knowledge on keeping a garden inside your house, you can now start growing indoor lilies on your very own space. The first consideration in growing indoor lilies is the type of ideal for the space. There are two popular types of lilies, the Asiatic and Oriental. These come in small species that are ideal for small and shaded spaces.
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