They have huge fragrant flowers in shades of white, pink, salmon, and crimson. The plant needs plenty of water and partial shade. They also need a slightly acidic soil. Miscellaneous hybrids (division 8) These varieties combine the beauty of the oriental flowers with the ruggedness of trumpets and aurelians. ) Planting techniques As mentioned, well-drained areas work best for lilies. Place the bulbs 4 to 6 inches deep. (Deeper is better.) The bulbs like to stay cool in summer. Another style would be to make a raised bed, with the same planting dimensions for the bulbs (4 to 6 inches deep). The raised bed is for superb drainage. This is the reason why you are good in gardening, plus the fact that you are the type of person who enjoys the activity. Now you are faced with another challenge as you are planning to plant lilies. Proper Research This is the first time that you are going to try this out, so it is only understandable that you have many questions about the process. Not all people know that lilies are tough perennial plants. Once they have established themselves in your garden, they will continue to astound you for years even with very little care. Like the other summer plants (dahlias, peonies, gladioli), lilies can be planted in the spring which can then blossom that very summer. (This is the time the Asiatic hybrids are finishing their own bloom time.) The blossoms are in splashy shades of white, pink, and crimson. The petals are spotted, brushed, or edged with darker or contrasting colors. Oriental hybrids are taller than the Asiatic hybrids (3 to 6 feet). Color shades Each flower usually features an interplay of shades within the same color (the petal edge is lighter than the inner part). There are also Oriental varieties that can be kept indoors and are perfect as accent pieces but they need more pruning and maintenance. Since you are keeping lilies indoor, there are limitations to the variety that can be planted. You cannot just plant any lily variety you want because chances are, these will not grow properly.
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