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6 Ways to Propagate Lilies || Scaling, Bulbils, Division, Cuttings, Bulblets & Seed

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Gardener s choice From the layman s point of view, it is also one of the best-looking flowers ever to grace gardens and carrier pots (and flower vases). Among gardeners, Casablanca lilies top their lists as one of their favorites because of their beauty and their moderate maintenance needs. This hybrid species of some of the East Asian lily species are widely famous for their robust growth and their extremely alluring fragrance (that can overwhelm the whole garden), including, of course, their elegant looks. The daylily, calla lily and surprise lily are not exactly true lilies at all. True lilies belong to the genus Lilium. They start from planted underground bulbs and produce large and beautiful blossoms in summer. True lilies are versatile flowering plants that offer the gardener some of the most dazzling choices of beauty, color, fragrances, sizes and shapes of flowers that are so striking they always stand out. They come in bright shades of yellow and pink, white, orange, purple, cream and lilac and many more in-between. They have the same basic form of three outer petals (called sepals) and three inner petals. The exterior color of the sepals is sometimes different than the interior petals. Interior colors may be plain, spotted, splashed or linear. The most popular types of lilies are Asiatic and Oriental. Asiatic varieties and its small species are commonly preferred for indoors because these are easy to maintain and can grow even in limited living conditions. There are also Oriental varieties that can be kept indoors and are perfect as accent pieces but they need more pruning and maintenance. The most ideal containers include those that have tapered bottom and sides to ensure that air and water will circulate very well. You can find these ready-made tapered trays and pots in the gardening areas of grocery stores. For those who are on tight on budget, you can recycle items such as empty juice cans, milk cartons, and other containers that can hold soil and water. In buying lilies in pots or containers, try to look for those that have new flowers and leaf buds because they are usually of high quality. After purchasing lilies, it would be better if you transport it in your space personally. This will ensure that you can take care of the lily because you now own it. 

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