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How to Grow and Care for Calla Lily - Plants Indoors

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For example, Asiatic lilies need full sun, even in the heat of summer. There are some who would need light shade. It is best to plant the lily bulbs immediately after buying them since they do not have the protection or covering which is present in other plant bulbs. If it is not possible, then keep them inside the fridge or a vegetable crisper. The information you will get will definitely help you from committing mistakes in buying varieties and also in the proper way to take care of it. Other means of acquiring information on indoor lilies will also include reading agriculture and gardening books and magazines as well as surfing the Internet for web sites that contain information about it. Another concern would be the depth of the pot. Lily bulbs need at least 4 inches of soil on top and another inch at the bottom of the pot. Soil Lilies love sandy soil. The bulbs grow bigger in the sandy mix than in regular peat mixes. Drainage is also assured against accidents of over-watering. Ideally, the soil composition can have 40% sand, 30% peat and 30% compost. The petals are spotted, brushed, or edged with darker or contrasting colors. Oriental hybrids are taller than the Asiatic hybrids (3 to 6 feet). Color shades Each flower usually features an interplay of shades within the same color (the petal edge is lighter than the inner part). The flowers have 6 prominent anthers with pollen in them. The major consideration when buying lilies is where you will place it. Ideally, lilies thrive so much better under direct sunlight. But, you can also keep these indoors for as long as your lilies have enough sun exposure, air, and moisture. When purchasing lilies either for indoor or outdoor use, make sure that you select only those that are free of insects or any other pests. Light will make them sprout.) Planting techniques As mentioned, well-drained areas work best for lilies. Place the bulbs 4 to 6 inches deep. (Deeper is better.) The bulbs like to stay cool in summer. Another style would be to make a raised bed, with the same planting dimensions for the bulbs (4 to 6 inches deep). 

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