After planting, water them and this would make sure that the soil is damp enough to provide moisture. Make sure that there are no air pockets. When the first shoots emerged, make sure to mark the bulbs since you may accidentally step on them. Dividing lilies. Every year, lilies would grew new plants. The reason is air circulation for the leaves to dry out fast after the rains. (If there is fungus, apply any fungicide recommended for roses. It works on lilies just as fine.) Planting time Lily bulbs (in mild climates) can be planted anytime the ground is not frozen solid and dry enough to dig a hole. They boast of a number of bright exuberant colors and varieties. They come in bright shades of yellow and pink, white, orange, purple, cream and lilac and many more in-between. They have the same basic form of three outer petals (called sepals) and three inner petals. The exterior color of the sepals is sometimes different than the interior petals. You could even look for a specialty grower, someone who specializes in lilies and lily bulbs. What about water lilies? There are different nurseries and online plant retailers that sell water lilies. As mentioned, stick with retailers that is guaranteed, check with your relatives, friends and even their retailer websites for customer feedbacks about their plants. Space the plants 8 to 12 inches apart. Depending on the vigor and size of the lilies, keep the groups 3 to 5 feet apart. Small lily bulbs are planted 2 to 4 inches deep, and the larger bulbs about 4 to 6 inches deep. Soil Your garden soil for your lilies should drain well. Mix in lots of organic matter to the clay soil to have a raised area with improved drainage. You can ensure that the plant is free from any pests by checking the undersides of the foliage and leaves for any possible signs of disease or insect. Make sure to buy lilies that look clean, well-potted, and with healthy foliages. As much as possible, avoid lilies that have yellowish leaves, wilted foliages, brownish leaf margins, and those that bear spots and blotches.
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