How to keep indoor lilies thrive One of the most ideal solutions for people who love growing lilies but encountering problems due to natural elements such as climate and space restrictions is keeping them indoor. If you are having thoughts on how to start growing lilies indoors, you should focus first on selecting the right variety. Asiatic hybrids have the broadest color range (white, pink, red, plum, yellow, oranges) of any division, but their flowers are not scented. Martagon hybrid (division 2) Martagons are tall lily varieties with down-facing flowers. They are very popular garden plants, although they need some shade. The flowers come in many bright shades of colors, too, and often have freckles and spots on them. Once the plants are in bloom and producing bulbs, you have to add potassium and phosphorous on the fertilizer that you supply it with. You can use the 10-10-10 complete formulation at the start of spring when the shoots are beginning to be seen. You have to be careful that the bulbs won t get in direct contact with the fertilizer. After potting, take care to water them thoroughly. (Water should come out of the drainage holes in the bottom.) After which, slow-release fertilizer is to be added on top of the soil. Storing Move the trays of potted lilies to an unheated place so they can sit for a minimum of 2 weeks to root. Keeping them in the cold stimulates them to have healthy and extensive root systems before they send out shoots. Some varieties (Asiatic, Trumpet, Orienpet) adapt themselves well to dry summer areas (if they had enough water during and until flowering time.) Orientals, however, continue to require watering during the dry hot summer months. (This is because they do not flower until August.) Mulches on the lilies will keep the bulbs cool and watering is only minimum. There are over 100 different known species (and still growing) of the lily plant. These are found mostly in Europe, India, southern Canada, the United States, the Philippines, and in northern parts of the Mediterranean. Variety The major two types of lilies are the Oriental and the Asiatic varieties.
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