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WATCH! Calling Racing Pigeons To The Loft

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History traces back time before the birth of Christ, the ancient Egyptian's assigning of the birds to carry information in their kingdoms, the involvement of these pigeons in the first Olympic games, and their use for the military and business leaders. The use of the pigeons then spread towards China, India, and Greece. Therefore, you must give your pet the chance to fly around outside the cage but be sure to teach it how to go back inside. Let the bird get used to the command "come" and always have a stick for your pet. If you will be training your bird outside of the cage, be sure to get it used to being taken outside or in a basket for at least 5 to 10 minutes every day. These pieces of information are compared with the other racing pigeons. The race then determines the animal that has returned at the maximum speed. Pigeon racing uses a kind of pigeon breed that is purposefully bred for the said sport. This breed is called the "Racing Homer". Usually, the competing birds are conditioned and trained for the race between 100 up to 1000 km. Don't think that not having a large loft is a disadvantage. Having a small, yet well-built loft is actually more beneficial to you and to the other people surrounding your backyard. What you can do is to perhaps build three, separate small lofts: one for breeding, another one for racing, and lastly, for fancy birds. One tip to follow is to ask the assistance of someone who knows a thing or two about these birds so that the right ones can be picked. Once the right racing pigeons have been selected, then you have hurdled one stumbling block in becoming the leading fancier in your community. Now selecting the best means you are compelled to ensure that they are well-attended to. Letters are electronically sent in a matter of seconds via the Internet, and real time conversation with colleagues from far away is now possible through Instant Messaging. Ah, thanks to technology. Did you ever wonder what was it like a thousand years ago, when ancient man was still one with nature and empires were just about to be built? 

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