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How to Set SMART Goals | Goal Setting for Students

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Each person for sure has his or her own other life aspects like social, life, sex life, family life and spiritual life. Each individual has his or her own set of priorities. That is why effective time management would really be necessary so people would easily and effectively meet targets and beat deadlines with greater ease. There is no sense setting out goals that are practically and logically unachievable. Even if the effort is raised 100 times, 1,000 times or 1 million times, if the they are really unachievable, nothing will do to make the athletes realize them. Short term goals are far better motivation tools than long term, but they can be used to eventually lead to longer-term goals and targets. Instead of writing down "Own a car in two years", you will find that writing "Buy a Silver Ford Escape by September 2008" is more helpful. Douse that inner critic at this stage. Just go on and write your goals down. 2. Verbalize your plan. The more you talk about your plan, the greater self motivation you will get. So the next time you have been given the honor of another visit, be mindful. Personal goal setting is a powerful tool for setting a course for a meaningful and fulfilling life. The process of personal goal setting in itself is powerful enough that if you're going through with the process you might think that your life's meaning or purpose had been found. The essence of planning and goal setting is to improve or elevate your performance. There s no way that the elements in your plan will not help you improve for the better. The fifth letter in smart goal setting stands for TANGIBLE. Tangibles are things that can be subjected to our five senses, your five senses. Recognizing The Importance Of Goal Setting Goals are of great importance because it leads a person to success and achievements. Thus, it is imperative that a person realizes that effective goal setting will point out the clear and vivid difference between great success and humble failures. Some tips when setting goals Here are several practical guidelines that would help you set goals effectively. 

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