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Set Goals Like A Pro!

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The team should complement each other because it is a given fact that no person would exhibit all the necessary traits, skills and talents needed in the game. Let a person s strength complement others weaknesses and vice versa. The team should collectively stand as a perfect sports entity with unified goals, though divided in weaknesses and strengths; and that would surely be the sports team s strength. And if it is the first step of thinking, usually the "warm-up" period that is committed into writing, then the problem is in the making. This is so because goals can be easily lost in myriad of letters in written form. There are even instances that if someone is tired, simply looking at several pages of paper can be a stressful exercise. Goal setting and time management Goal setting and time management are two different concepts, but they are practically inter-related and inter-twined. Time management would not be effective and achievable without goal setting. Goal setting, for its part, needs effective time management skills for it to be successfully achieved. If the goal or plan is way below to your capacity, your tendency is to be lax, and this will not develop your productivity. The essence of planning and goal setting is to improve or elevate your performance. There s no way that the elements in your plan will not help you improve for the better. The fifth letter in smart goal setting stands for TANGIBLE. When you are in a journey, you are open to almost everything, every stimulus, every possibility. This in turn will enrich you during the journey. You can use all the information you get along the way to assess and re-assess your career, and review, from time to time, your earlier career goal, and make improvements, revisions, or additions, as needed. On the other hand, long term goals are to achieved or attained within longer range of time, usually, months, years, or often, indefinitely. Patience and determination are ought to be kept when keeping or maintaining long term goals. You can manipulate both by setting short term goals that would eventually make up or lead to longer term goals. 

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