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Weekly Planning Routine | Goal Setting, Weekly Overview, Daily Planning | New Makse Dot Markers

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Any goal that is not measurable and specific can never be attained. How would you know that your goals are attainable? Easy. If the financial component of your project, plan, or goal, is larger than the source of your finance, then there is problem. Or perhaps the load of the work resulted in company planning you have just attended is too much with the present manpower in your company, then the goal you have set is not smart because it s not attainable. It is also important to come up with a list of specific goals in aid for the major goal, in descending order, that is, the most important part being in the top of the list. The second step of goal setting Setting your goal is very important. Just don't forget that creating and even planning ways to achieve it is equally important. Whether we like it or not, we are bound one way or the other, with the overwhelming presence of goal setting theory and some of its derivatives. Suddenly at loss what to do with your life, you often ask how to put some direction to it. Or perhaps, all of sudden, you're questioning the very purpose of your life. With the advent of the fever created by a book by Dan Brown, stories suddenly became the focal point of everything. Everything started in a story, they say. When God created the world; it is a story. The other side of this, i.e., evolution, is also a story. Jesus' mission is also a story. And His supposed relationship with Mary Magdalene is a story in itself. Failures for such goals would hurt more, for sure, so be ready to the endless possibilities. Think of your goals over and over. Doing so would enable you to perform a simple reality check. Check on yourself, the situation, the available resources, your skills and the overall backdrop. This would enable you to check on the feasibility and your progress on achieving the goal you have set yourself. You would certainly prove to yourself that doing so would never be a waste of time and would help you achieve more determinedly your desired outcome. Know yourself better. Be sincere and honest when you think of yourself, your ability, your talent, your skill and your capacity. By so doing, you would be able to avoid the trap of overestimating or either underestimating yourself. 

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