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SETTING GOALS FOR THE MONTH #julyreset #goalsetting

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Of course it is only natural that some aspect of your professional goals are preset in your personal goal setting and vice versa. This is only natural. But it should be clear that from this two types of goal setting, you should a priority; don't swallow too much even if it's a good thing. It is also important to come up with a list of specific goals in aid for the major goal, in descending order, that is, the most important part being in the top of the list. The connection and relationship between the company s long term goals might not appear to compliments even the employees short term goals. The connection should be made apparent right from the start. Just like your personal or professional goal setting, the process of setting performance goals for the employees should begin with the listing down of the company or organization s need. In fact, this type of goal setting is not only limited to private institutions that are more inclined to do this stuff such as educational and religious institutions, but other as well. Corporations, huge and small, are now racing against time to incorporate into their calendar of activities, schedules of goal setting for their executives and other staffs. Some useful tips to set goals and manage time: Here are several simple, logical and practical tips and guidelines to help you set goals and eventually manage your time better. Set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely goals. Remember the acronym SMART to simplify and unify all these. The fitness program should be carefully planned and a timetable, with goals and targets, should be put up. Before you begin any fitness goal setting program, remember to assess and think over what it is you really like to achieve after a certain period of time. To do so, you must take into consideration a number of factors and variables that include your physical skills, your appearance, the amount of weight you want to lose or gain and whether you would settle to building up your strength, flexibility and endurance. That is why it is imperative that companies every now and them set employee goal setting activities to help employees better understand the dynamics of the team and motivate them to cooperate in the collective idea and goal of achieving progress and development for the company. The SMART goals Thus, before embarking the employees in ambitious and major goals, it is likely and recommended that bosses and managers subject the staff to a session wherein they would be oriented about goal setting. 

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