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the SIMPLE STRATEGY I've used for years to ACHIEVE MY GOALS // 2024 goal setting

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To be specific, the order could still be made specific by telling the employee to be smiling to all clients when dealing with them. Measurable Being measurable, employee goals should be comparable to other goals. By that, measurability is ensured and set making it easier to gauge the effectiveness of certain goals and measures in achieving them. Sometimes, teens would not understand why they would have to set goals when there is no guaranty that these goals would ever be achieved. Teach the teen to clearly identify his or her goals. The teen would define his or her own goals. It is to be based on his interests, likes, ambition, knowledge, skill and talent. There is also a possibility that you're having a hard time assessing whether the company you're working with, or even your personal career, is not working as it should be. Because of this, even though you are pretty sure that there is a problem, you can't decide where to attack it. If this is the case, you have a deficiency in setting performance goals. Corporations, huge and small, are now racing against time to incorporate into their calendar of activities, schedules of goal setting for their executives and other staffs. Harmonizing the company's goal with the career and professional goals of the company employees can be immensely beneficial. This will allow people to be more open, conscientious, thus developing the environment into a more conducive place for professional growth. The most important thing you have to consider is that the process of attaining your career goal is a journey. When you are in a journey, you are open to almost everything, every stimulus, every possibility. This in turn will enrich you during the journey. You can use all the information you get along the way to assess and re-assess your career, and review, from time to time, your earlier career goal, and make improvements, revisions, or additions, as needed. Moreover, in this time where there are lots of stimuli or disturbances in people's concentrations, it is very easy to get lost even in the jungle of their own thoughts -- even during their planning exercises. And this doesn't include the familiar adage of "making your goal planning more effective". 

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