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GETTING MY LIFE TOGETHER BEFORE 2024 | Vision Board, Goal Setting, Creating Routines

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Professional goal setting when done in a group can also offer several schemes to secure resources, which are usually unthinkable for an individual professional. The institution can also help in sourcing out finances needed by the group or individuals, for their goal planning. Also, the identification of possible obstacles in achieving goals can be extended into details, which is otherwise difficult to achieve when setting up a goal alone. Doing so would enable you to carry out tasks that need to be carried out first than the others. It would be impossible for anyone to set priorities without first setting goals. Priorities are things that should be given primary and foremost focus and attention. The same goes for goals. Priorities and goals are almost the same in a way that both are the ultimate targets and aims of each individual. Failures for such goals would hurt more, for sure, so be ready to the endless possibilities. Think of your goals over and over. Doing so would enable you to perform a simple reality check. Check on yourself, the situation, the available resources, your skills and the overall backdrop. This would enable you to check on the feasibility and your progress on achieving the goal you have set yourself. Measurable Being measurable, employee goals should be comparable to other goals. By that, measurability is ensured and set making it easier to gauge the effectiveness of certain goals and measures in achieving them. Achievable Of course, when setting employee goals, you should make sure that the goals set are achievable. Take the time to sit down and list all your goals and aspirations, and craft a chart to see whether you are near or far from any of these goals. For others, career goal setting is no more than a few minutes of talking it out with some friends, or silently thinking about it, albeit melancholy, over a bottle of beer. Failure Another importance of goal setting techniques and measures is opening you to the possibility of failure. By being open about the idea, you are made open minded and receptive to the various and possible causes of pending failures. Thus, when such comes, you would come prepared for it and accept it more flexibly. 

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