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Why the secret to success is setting the right goals | John Doerr | TED

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To be specific, the order could still be made specific by telling the employee to be smiling to all clients when dealing with them. Measurable Being measurable, employee goals should be comparable to other goals. By that, measurability is ensured and set making it easier to gauge the effectiveness of certain goals and measures in achieving them. Maybe you're a top executive for a big company and you're having trouble projecting yourself with others, and not in good terms with your colleagues. Or maybe you're into belief that nothing is happening with professionally; you're stuck with a profession that is really at variance with what you want. Considering the endless negative and destructive possibilities of the fitness goal setting programs would lead you to really set an appointment with your doctor, nutritionist or other experts. You would not want to put every hard and tedious effort to waste don t you? So the next time you set another fitness goal setting program, remember to do it properly, giving out more focus on details, safety and desired outcome. Make sure goals are in line and not conflicting with priorities. Otherwise, the efforts to achieve the set of goals would be futile and inutile despite a good and strong set of motivation and determination. Overall, motivation should, at the same time with goals, get athletes going with greater and more significant focus. Once you've found a way in making this a habit, you will soon realize that achieving your goals that look like impenetrable walls in the past is nothing but a purpose that needs a set of personal goals as the key. Personal goal setting: what should be set? Since there is more to life than the four letters that it represents, personal goal setting involves a review of all the aspects of your life, and all of these should have a corresponding goal. By being open about the idea, you are made open minded and receptive to the various and possible causes of pending failures. Thus, when such comes, you would come prepared for it and accept it more flexibly. Thinking about potential failure would also enable you to do better and conduct measures to actually prevent it from coming your way. 

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